Sunday, December 19, 2010

描述 Description

別名 Common Name:
小鳥花 Emerald Bird Cactus

学名 Scientific Name:
Pedilanthus Coalcomanensis

科別 Family Name:
大戟科 Euphorbiaceae

属別 Genus Name:
大戟属 Euphorbia

原产地 Origin:
墨西哥西部 Western Mexico

植物照料 Plant Care:

其他注释 Others Note

最為罕見花種小鳥花屬于大戟科的植物,有個美麗的名字叫“翠雀珊瑚”!下蛋小翠鳥 《中國報》記者通過各管道和互聯網查詢后,“小鳥花”英文學名為Pedilanthus coalcomanensis,與常見的紅雀珊瑚( Pedilanthus tithymaloides)屬于同一類植物。 紅雀珊瑚的花朵也長得像“小鳥”,可是體積非常小,呈環排列。 在互聯網上,有關“翠雀珊瑚”的資料非常少,它被稱之為會下蛋的小翠鳥,屬于熱帶植物。 據了解,“翠雀珊瑚”曾在香港粉嶺舉辦的“花鳥蟲魚展覽會”中展出,此展覽主要展出稀有的動植物。 當時,展覽執行委員吳讓城強調,這個被稱為“小鳥下蛋的盆栽”,是近千種花卉中,最為罕見的花種。 就此,馬六甲“必愛花園”園主徐江賢受訪時,相信他本身是全馬唯一種植和售賣“翠雀珊瑚”的園主。 他說,來自國內各地的人,都會特地前往其花園找“小鳥花”,使他甚感莫明奇妙,這些人是如何找到此“門路”。

此花是通過朋友從印尼帶回,他覺得非常可愛討喜,便嘗試種植,結東發現此花適合在本地生長。 他坦言,自己也不曉得此花的學名,所以稱之小鳥花,小鳥花一般可長至4尺高。 他說,“小鳥”從兩片葉子中長出后,約有1寸長、3分寬,估計一棵小鳥花可長滿十多廿隻小鳥,感覺上整棵植物都站滿許多鳥兒。 小鳥花顏色有青有黃,鳥的下方會“生蛋”。 可是,雄鳥的“蛋”小小一棵、不會長大,也沒有繁衍后代的能。 至于雌鳥的“蛋”則會越變越大顆,“蛋”成熟后,蛋會往上翹,最后會像風仙花種子般爆開,裡頭種子可拿到泥土裡種,此時雌鳥就會枯萎死亡。 不過,徐江賢說,一棵小鳥花裡,雄鳥比雌鳥多,有時一棵裡僅有一兩隻雌鳥。

This species was discovered in a remote mountain range in western Mexico in the 1930s. Unfortunately, the information on the herbarium specimen label was so vague that its exact location was unknown. We recently located a population of this species, which forms graceful small trees with large, colorful inflorescences, fuzzy leaves and tuberous roots. This photo was taken in the winter dry season.

These images were taken in the summer rainy season to show that this species grows in one of the most strikingly seasonal tropical dry forests we've ever visited. This area resembles a cloud forest in the rainy season, but is baked dry for half of the year. Here, Pedilanthus coalcomanensis forms a dense, shady stand.

The fuzzy leaves of Pedilanthus coalcomanensis
In keeping with the very wet wet seasons of the area, the trunks of Pedilanthus coalcomanensis are covered with dense mats of lichens, mosses, and epiphytes.

The inflorescences of Euphorbia (Pedilanthus) coalcomanensis are spectacular. The bright green cyathia project from brilliant pink bracts when the plant, as well as most of the surrounding forest, is leafless and gray

This image shows the male and female flowers projecting out of the green cyathia of Euphorbia (Pedilanthus) coalcomanensis. Like so many plants, we do not know what polliates the flowers of this microendemic species.

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